Friday, May 7, 2010

나는 진지하게 당신을 증오합니다

People !
Don't you think math's hard ?
Because don't laugh when you hear my marks.
Because its goin to be very low.

Btw, does anybody learn hip hoping here ?
Because today's my first lesson.
And i can't believe i'm so short. :'(
And i wanna quit.
Because i don't even know how to dance.

So now i don't have anything to say.
Okay ?
marcus. :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

playful made bigg trouble!!

hey guys!!today,i had learned my lesson....i had lie to someone and dat lie causes trouble for me n the trouble was so bigg,im serious...i feel like killing myself before the person realize im lieing to him...

now talk bout the exam,we had taken the exam today ,the science exam..lots of peep thinks it is easy but i doesnt,cos i freakin' stupid,hehe anf now,tomorrow is the ,math exam n i haven study or revision..something like dat..i dun care!!!and now,i gtg say BYE cos i doesnt had a mood to write dis blog im freakin' worry now..

Monday, May 3, 2010



My awesome bro Marcus....

Watsup Bro N Sis.........
U know what Marcus is the collest bro we ever had....No Marcus No Live it is so true......Marcus hlp us alot he is so pro in soccer.....he Rockz.....

He is very good in computer......He rockz rite....Tell me what he hlp at the this he hlp rachel to decorate her blog now her blog is very nice!!!N he teach me how to put songz n background he is my hero!!!

He is good at soccer damm pro rite comment if u want.....We love his hairstyle the collest ever.....Now marcus's project is lost if I know who steal it The Gangz will kill that person......

We love ya bro we ever had........we love ya!!!

BY:Victor Limz

Hang Out.....

Watsup Bro N Sis.......

everyday after school we always hang out togeter till we go home......It is the funnest time ever.......with me , adrian , jing yuan , pris , chris , harold n Sophia.....the time flies with them......

Who want to hang out after time will be the best ever.....By that time our relationship are getting closer n closer......6H Rockz.....

I remember that we always play "Hamburger" when teacher give us "free".....I play with all the sis n bro.....But now we dont play already only some bro n sis play only.....Now we just chit fun lah....

BY:Victor Limz

Sunday, May 2, 2010

chil up!!

hey marcus,chil!! ndun dun care bout dis blog its our memory,forgive the person who made change on it....its not back to myself,i duno wat day is today??y m i so freakin' bbusy today??!cos i had 2 blog waiting me to write n my homework was not done yet n it has 2 karangan.2math n 4 sci waiting for me!!*sobbing...facebooking at the same moment,ahahas...n in my mind,i remember its the art exam dis wed rite??so prepare before it came,kay??\
now bb darl n dudes!!love ya guys 4ever!!


sup guys.....this is 6h 2010 rite???? NICE!!!! wanna exam edi so work hard n hope every wan score a....then will be the first record that nobody score B!!!!! fun having a class blog so that we can write our feeling abt the class....its fun but a little noisy but cool too.....ok gtg write until here bye LOVE YA GUYS(:

JiNg YuAn

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Random pics. ;D

Done !  

Random pics.

hey dars and dudes

hey guys(handsome bro n prettay sistar,im rachel!!!u noe who m i larh(obviously)so nice to met dis blog!!ahahas,bored!!so thx for the awesomeefor to create and decorating dis awesome blog..dis blog will be our memory after dis year..never ending memories??ahahas,i dun really noe wat should i write,but just keep in touch!!!!love ya guys!!

Devil rachel ,lovee
hi guys.......nice blog rite.......thx to marcus.... he did this.......nice work!!!! i think we need more people 2 post more things.......telling this great news on monday....home we can put more pictures and alls.... all over hangout pictures after UPSR must put!!!!! wanna have a party...... but priscilla wont be around at the second week of the jun holiday....first week got school second week loh but priscilla going shanghai!!! remember 2 buy present argh....... LOVE YA GUYS

And, if anyone in 6h have blogs, please tell me and i'll put you 
name in the link list. or
put your blog address in the chat box. okay ?

hey soul sister. marcus. im just here to warn you guys please don't change anything here, because i set something. And pls, don't edit anyones post. make me so stressed doing all this works changing the post again. because ..nvm.lazy to explain. and btw, pls don't touch the layout section. because its full of this kind of HTML sections. okay ? pls cooperate. thanks. :)