Monday, May 3, 2010

My awesome bro Marcus....

Watsup Bro N Sis.........
U know what Marcus is the collest bro we ever had....No Marcus No Live it is so true......Marcus hlp us alot he is so pro in soccer.....he Rockz.....

He is very good in computer......He rockz rite....Tell me what he hlp at the this he hlp rachel to decorate her blog now her blog is very nice!!!N he teach me how to put songz n background he is my hero!!!

He is good at soccer damm pro rite comment if u want.....We love his hairstyle the collest ever.....Now marcus's project is lost if I know who steal it The Gangz will kill that person......

We love ya bro we ever had........we love ya!!!

BY:Victor Limz